Tuesday 27 January 2015

Character Profile

The image above i think best suits the older brother who is looking for revenge on his younger brothers killers as the way he dresses is relevant to the culture surrounding our film, the snapback (hat) shows that he's a urban character and the language he uses may be for a younger viewer, which attracts a younger audience as they understand and can relate to the characters. also stereotypically people with hoodies are considered to be bad or causing trouble which his Aaron is not until his brothers murder occurs. we named the character Aaron as we feel this is a stereotypical upper-class name such as William. We feel his age should be around 21

This character is Aaron's younger brother Oscar who is a innocent teen who gets caught up in something that wasn't to do with him which resulted in his death. he would be like a average teenager who likes to play football with his friends, and play computer games at home. unlike his brother he doesn't have connections with friends who are in gangs and is a innocent boy. we think his age should be around 17, also we think he would dress a lot like his brother because he looks up to him as a big influence in his life from what he wears to how hr acts.

This is Ricky who murders Oscar. he murders oscar because he sees oscar and his older brother Aaron whiteness a murder. Aaron would be your stereotypical "Chav" or hood rat who hangs around shops and in parks. he's a very intimidating character who thinks a life of crime with his gang friends is a good pathway.  following the stereotype he would be wearing a hoodie at all times, baggy jeans and some trainers also i feel he should wear a man bag. we feel Aaron should be around the age of 20

This is Fraser "right hand man" Ricky. i feel the stereotype of someones "right hand man" is someone who thinks very alike to there leader and agrees with him a lot and follows the same views as Aaron does, Also i feel he would be wearing the same clothes or similar as he aspires to be him, he is involved in witnessing oscar see the murder and informs Aaron. i believe his age should be around 18 as someone who's younger usually looks up to someone older.

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