Friday 17 April 2015

Evaluation Question 7

'Looking back at the preliminary task (continuity editing task), what do you feel you have learnt from the progression from it to the full product?'

You can clearly tell that we have gained a lot of knowledge when it comes to filming, improving in all four areas of Camera work, Mis en scene, sound and editing.

With Mis en scene you can see a huge improvement compare from our final piece to our preliminary task, the most noticeable use of mis en scene that improved was our location/ setting as we filmed in a number of different places to show more creativeness within our final draft. We went to a range of different places from an abandoned cabin to a shed. By traveling to different places we made our film a lot more believeable even though it would have taken more time and effort.

Our use of mis en scene was extremely skillful, as we had an exterior and an interior shots that were in completely different locations, but we made them look like they were on the exact same spot, we tricked the audience into believing that we made the film in just one location.

An improvement we made with our camerawork is that we were a lot more cautious and alert to not making any mistakes with the shots like we did in the preliminary having Mr Go and myself in the background of the shots. obviously that would be a huge mistake to have people in the background of the footage and things suddenly missing, so we learnt from that not to do the same mistake in our "missed call" film.

With sound we used it very effectively, especially with the music using synchronize sound making the music go with the shots at the opening/revealing shots which helped create a eerie atmosphere that we know something s not right even though the setting was quite creepy but the music/sound helped the audience feel that bit more creeped out by the whole thing, which was an extremely good use of sound.

With editing warp stabilizer we were able to keep a shot looking completely still and slowed down where as in our preliminary we didn't use much editing in the therefore our 'missed call' video looks a lot more professional.

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