Tuesday 16 December 2014

Brick Analysis

Brick opening sequence

The opening starts with a slow paced instrumental - sounding like a xylophone to give quiet an eerie and mysterious atmosphere which goes well with what we later see of the girl laying dead on the floor. also the opening like others don't give away much as usual, it doesn't show us the character or the girl on the floor, but we do see a location at the end of the opening giving us more and more information throughout. 

As the opening goes on we as the audience keep asking ourselves question naturally because we don't know whats going on, a smart strategy from film makers is to create little clues before we find out whats going on. by showing us images of the main character but not showing anything obvious away. eventually we see the eyeline match of what the guy is looking at, we see that he is looking as this dead girl not as if its a shocked but more as an observation. 


We can see that the use of setting was used effectively as it gave an atmosphere for example the image of them in the sewers shows quite a low status, giving a creepy feeling that something isnt right about that place. Mise en scene with the use of costume and setting to tell us that even before we see there both at a school the boy whose wearing smart shoes may be in education and the girl wearing smartly dressed clothing also suggests she was in education and quite innocent, still a little girl.

editing was used to good use as they went back in time which you could tell from the last shot being of the girl dead in the sewer with her bracelet then alive in a school with the exact same bracelet on. also the sound bridge of the school bell going off before we even see them in the school, allowing us to already before seeing there in school that they'll be in school.

The sound of the bell in the background makes it a quite a childish feel, that you would normally address bells with children. which makes us feel that the characters are quite young which relates to later in the opening that there both in school still.

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